
This tutorial references several contextual features of 21st century literacies and connects these with a set of Graduate Attributes desired by UWC.  Participants are taken through a framework of concepts, knowledge practices and dispositions that are vital for creating, using and evaluating information in higher learning and beyond.
Each section presents one of 6 concepts from a Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education. Participants are shown authentic examples of how these may be applied to strengthen students’ capabilities.  The discussions and exercises presented in this tutorial may be used to assist learners to think independently, manage multiple streams of information, create, critique and respond to multimodal texts as well as develop the ability to confront difference and work collaboratively to solve problems.
The questions at the end of each section prompt participants’ thinking about possible ways of infusing such literacies in their teaching practices.  They will also assess the potential of using the Framework as a structure for curriculum renewal within their department.